Winter so pretty and white even in this cold really cold fingers become numb......remain inspiration for the photos so it was again on the Sunday walk 19.decembr.
torek, 28. december 2010
Belo in mrzlo / White and frozen
Zima tako lepa in bela pa čeprav v tem mrazu pošteno zebe......prsti postanejo otrpli ostane inspiracija za fotografijo tako je bilo tudi tokrat na tem nedeljskem sprehodu 19.decembra.
sobota, 25. december 2010
Ljubljana v fotokolažu
11.decembra obiskal Ljubljano in na celodnevnem fotopohodu po mestu je nastalo kar nekaj fotografij prazničnega vzdušja(prejšnja objava) ter tudi nekaj posebnih ki si jih lahko ogledate spodaj.
11.december I visited Ljubljana, and the day-long fotosesion the city has created quite a few photos festive atmosphere (earlier post), as well as some special that you can see below.
11.december I visited Ljubljana, and the day-long fotosesion the city has created quite a few photos festive atmosphere (earlier post), as well as some special that you can see below.
sobota, 4. december 2010
Maribor na zidu / Maribor on the wall
Fotografije so sestavljene iz dveh motivov,fotografije mestnega motiva in fotografije zidu.
Photos are made of two photos,photo of urban design and photo of wall.
Za ogled večje fotke klikni na fotografijo / For biger size photo click on photo
Photos are made of two photos,photo of urban design and photo of wall.
Za ogled večje fotke klikni na fotografijo / For biger size photo click on photo
sobota, 27. november 2010
Zima je prišla / Winter is coming
Zima je tudi uradno prišla v naše kraje saj je ponoči kar lepo snežilo tako da sem se danes po službi odpravil na Pohorje na krajši sprehod v občudovanje zimske idile.
Winter has officially arrived in our region as well as snow fell at night so I went today after work on Pohorje a short walk to admire the winter idyll.

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